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Menschen B1 Kursbuch Pdf Download Free

Publisher: Hueber

Target Group

  • Young Adults (16 yrs and up) / Adults
  • Beginner: Level A1, Level A2, Level B1
  • Leading to proficiency test: Zertifikat B1



  • All materials are entirely in German
  • 3 Complete volumes / Gesamtbände
  • 6 Half-volumes / Teilbände


Kursbuch/KB = Textbook / Arbeitsbuch/AB = Workbook

3 Complete Volumes / Gesamtbände

Level A1:

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.


Kursbuch Interactive Digital





Arbeitsbuch + 2 CDs

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital





Teacher's Manuals A1.1+A1.2. 978-3-19-121901-7 $50
Digitales Unterrichtspaket 978-3-19-241902-7 $80
Media package
3 CDs + DVD/Kursbuch
978-3-19-201901-2 $50
Testtrainer + Audio-CD 978-3-19-031901-5 $32
Intensivtrainer +Audio-CD 978-3-19-041901-2 $26

 Level A2

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.

Kursbuch                                                   978-3-19-211902-6                                  $38

Kursbuch Interactive Digital                    978-3-19-258602-6                                  $32

Arbeitsbuch + 2 CDs                                 978-3-19-111902-7                                 $38

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital                978-3-19-268602-3                                $32

Teacher's Manuals A2.1 + A2.2               978-3-19-121902-4                                 $50
Digitales Unterrichtspaket                       978-3-19-241902-7                                $80
 Testtrainer + Audio-CD                            978-3-19-031902-2                                $32
 Intensivtrainer + Audio-CD                     978-3-19-041902-9                                 $26
 Berufstrainer + Audio-CD                        978-3-19-961902-4                                $26

 Level B1

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital. There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.

Kursbuch                                                    978-3-19-211903-3                                    $38

Kursbuch Interactive Digital                      978-3-19-161903-9                                   $32

Arbeitsbuch + 2 CDs                                  978-3-19-111903-4                                     $38

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital                  978-3-19-181903-3                                    $32

Teacher's Manuals B1.1 + B1.2                  978-3-19-121903-1                                    $50
Digitales Unterrichtspaket                          978-3-19-241903-4                                    $80
Testtrainer + Audio-CD                               978-3-19-131903-8                                    $32
Intensivtrainer + Audio-CD                         978-3-19-141903-5                                    $26
Berufstrainer+ Audio-CD                            978-3-19-961903-1                                    $26

6 Half-Volumes / Teilbände

Level A1:
Menschen A1/1

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.

Kursbuch                                         978-3-19-361901-3

Kursbuch Interactive Digital          978-3-19-958601-2



Arbeitsbuch + CD                          978-3-19-311901-8

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital    978-3-19-968601-9



Glossary Deutsch-Englisch XXL 978-3-19-051901-9 $24
Glossary Deutsch-Spanisch XXL 978-3-19-191901-6 $24
Teacher's Manual                        978-3-19-191901-6 $30
Digital lessons/

Digitales Unterrichtspaket          978-3-19-251901-7



Menschen A1/2

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.


Kursbuch Interactive Digital





Arbeitsbuch + CD

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital





Glossary Deutsch-Englisch XXL 978-3-19-061901-6 $24
Glossary Deutsch-Spanisch XXL 978-3-19-751901-2 $24
Teacher's Manual  978-3-19-671901-7 $30
 Digital lesson/Digitales Unterrichtspaket 978-3-19-261901-4  $52

Level A2:
Menschen A2/1

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10%  discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.


Kursbuch Interactive Digital





Arbeitsbuch + CD

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital





Teacher's Manual 978-3-19-471902-6 $30
Glossary Deutsch-Englisch XXL 978-3-19-051902-6 $24
Digital lessons/Digitales Unterrichtspaket 978-3-19-251902-4 $52

Menschen A2/2

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.


Kursbuch Interactive Digital





Arbeitsbuch + CD

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital





Glossary Deutsch-Englisch XXL 978-3-19-061902-3 $24
Glossary Deutsch-Spanisch XXL 978-3-19-751902-9 $24
Teacher's Manual 978-3-19-671902-4 $30
Digital lessons/Digitales Unterrichtspaket 978-3-19-261902-1 $52

Level B1:

Menschen B1/1

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.

Kursbuch                                                                             978-3-19-361903-7                $28

Kursbuch Interactive Digital                                              978-3-19-901903-9                 $22

Arbeitsbuch + CD                                                                 978-3-19-311903-2                $28

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital                                            978-3-19-921903-3               $22

Teacher's Manual                                                                 978-3-19-471903-3                $30
Digital lessons/Digitales Unterrichtspaket                        978-3-19-251903-1                $52
Glossary as pdf download English                                     978-3-19-081903-4               $18

Menschen B1/2

Please order using the order form. Prices for printed products include free shipping within Canada ("Menschen" only). When ordering, specify print or digital.  There is a 10% discount for orders of 3 or more printed products or a combination of  3 or more print and digital products.

Kursbuch                                                                            978-3-19-561903-5                 $28

Kursbuch Interactive Digital                                             978-3-19-911903-6                   $22

Arbeitsbuch + CD                                                               978-3-19-511903-0                    $28

Arbeitsbuch Interactive Digital                                          978-3-19-931903-0                   $22

 Teacher's Manual                                                               978-3-19-671903-1                   $30
 Digital lessons/Digitales Unterrichtspaket                       978-3-19-261903-8                  $52


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